here we bleeping go again
No sentence beginning with the words, Now pitching Scott Proctor, can end well if you're a Yankee fan. We all know that. We claim no special wisdom in this insight. We have been subjected time and again to the sad fact that Proctor simply cannot get ANYBODY OUT at the big league level. The only question is why a man who gets paid millions of dollars to analyze and deploy talent, a man pronounced a genius by sportswriters as overrated as he is (Mr. Gammons?), why he should prove not just foolish, not just stupid, but positively ineducable! I mean how many times does Proctor have to stink up the joint before Torree say no mas--or at least nothing but mop up. The reason the Yankees always have bullpen problems, even with the greatest reliever in the history of the game, is that torre is in charge of handling the damn thing.
Now tonight you have a tie game in the home park of one of the few teams in the AL that is the Yankees' equal this year. Mussina has delivered a decent outing, the kind he is usually going to get a W for, and you've just missed Sandman-time by a few feet in right field on Damon's blast. Remember you suffered all last summer with the non-existent bridge to Gordon-Rivera and one of the leakiest planks was none other than the egregious Proctor. You spent the offseason improving your bullpen and you've just seen some of the fruits of that effort in inning 8, with a strong showing by Farnsworth. He could come back out for the ninth of course or you could go to Villone, whom you picked up in your rebuilding effort, or even Myers for that matter as lefties are on-deck for the A's. You might even go Mariano and hope to get a multi-run tenth. anything but Proctor, a man weighed down by his infant daughter's sickness, meaning he is, even less likely to be effective than usual (alright, alright zero is zero) How, how, how under these circumstances, with the chances for a highly satisfying early season victory at hand, can Torre even think about bringing this unfortunate Bozo out to the mound? How can such a decision be seen as in any way rational, let alone sound. Hmmm.
Oh Jeez, call John Dowd, Mr Commissioner, he's fucking betting on the A's!!
Actually that would have made pretty good evidence in a Pete Rose trial. "Well Mr. Dowd, what real proof do you have that Pete Rose bet on baseball" "Well beyond the betting slips, I can conclusively show that in a close ballgame, with a well rested bullpen, he chose to pitch SCOTT PROCTOR." "Ah! Mr. Rose you are excused..from baseball...for life."
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