F*&! Joe Torre

Since Joe Torre breaks our hearts, this blog will break his balls. Every day of the season I will detail the errors, misjudgements, and omissions that make him the most overrated manger in the history of the game (even more than Tommy Lasorda!). But Joe Torre is not just one bum in hero's clothing (i.e. the pinstripes); he is the quintessential counterfeit of excellence, a figure who embodies the triumph of the ersatz that pervades every aspect of our culture. No organization in sport, nay in civilization generally, has manifested a committment to continuing greatness like the New York Yankees, a beacon to all, in every field of endeavor, that the best is always possible. How intolerable is it then that the Yankees should be managed by a mediocrity on stilts, a figure with a reputation for greatness without any of the attributes thereof. Beginning with Torre and ending with Torre, this blog will look to smash idols we create out of inadvertence, ignorance, and complacency.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I think the Sox just made a huge tactical mistake. They took the 8 day series, despite the fact that the Angels have 2 aces they can now pitch twice, on full rest, and the Sox have Beckett and a group of starters equal in their adequacy.

At the same time, they have done the Yankees a huge favor. If Cleveland is going to send its pitchers out on full rest, they will need to throwboth Byrd and Westbrook, along with Carmona once and Sabathia twice. I'm not saying the Yankees will win this series, but they can win it, and I'm not sure that would be the case facing both Sabathia and Carmona twice with only Byrd or Westbrook between them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing a storied closer give up a walkoff win gave me the heebie jeebies last night--a flashback to 2001 that was a little too close to comfort. BUT: for the record, Holliday didn't touch the fucking plate! Barrett blocked him out perfectly. I can't believe there wasn't more of a fuss about that.

slow joe says 11 pitchers will make the roster. Kennedy is out becuase of injury, and obviously Joba is in--so, for the other young guys, that probably leaves only two spaces, assuming 1) clemens is deemed healthy, 2) they need Villone as a token lefty, and 3) Farnsworthless makes it based on his awe inspiring experience. so: Hughes is likely long man/alternative starter for Moose; then--Veras, I presume? or is Ohlendorf the dark horse? To give Veras two saves in the last week must mean something.

It looked like Ramirez was a lock a short time ago, but surely he pitched himself out of consideration in the last 2 weeks, and I read that brunney had officially been sent home after Sunday's game; and they can't seriously be thinking Britton, right?

So, Joe V, who do you take? Veras or Ohlendorf?

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS--with 14 position players, you've got the front 9, plus Giambi and Molina makes 11. Then, 3 spots: Betemit, I assume, for infield versatility, if not acumen; then? Duncan has an upside as a righty and power guy, but not exactly defensive replacement material, and I don't think he's especially fast. But it looks like he's in. which leaves one spot. I'm thinking it's gotta be Sardinha. I know he made an error the other day, but he can run, has looked decent at the plate, and seemed to have a god arm and some range in the OF. Is that the division series bench? I don't know who else is even in contention.

8:32 AM  
Blogger joe valente said...

I believe Torre has already said they will carry Ohlendorf into the postseason, so I guess that leaves Veras out. I'm fine with that decision. But on the other hand, if you have the 5 starters in (P,W,C,H,M) plus MO, Joba and Vizcaino, that leaves three spaces to fill, right? So you go with Farnsworth, I'm sure, Ohlendorf and Veras. If they wanted to carry Villone to pitch to one or two guys the entire series, I think they would carry 12 pitchers as they did all year.

As for the position players, I knoiw Torre said he was carrying Duncan, so with Molina and Giambi, that makes 12. You know he *has* to take Betemit, otherwise he has no sub at third, ss, or second base. Betemit is the new Cairo. So that leaves one spot. I think the idea of picking Sardihina, as Giambi's personal pinch-runner, is a funny one, but also a smart one. If giambi is going to pinch-hit and draw those walks late in the game, you want a Bip Roberts type that can steal a base and get himself in scoring position. Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, Joe don't roll with small ball. But who else could it be? I'm actually kind of surprised they aren't going ahead and taking 12 pitchers.

As for anyone else being in contention, there is Alex Gonzalez, I guess. The argument there would be that Betemit, unlike Cairo, is barely a ss, and if you do have to replace the captain, Gonzalez is a defensively much better option. Once you go with Duncan in the outfield, you really don't need another one, especially since Abreu can play right or center, Cabrera can play all three, Duncan can play either corner, Damon can play left and center. Matsui is the only one locked into one role. Of course, if you are needing to replace Jeter, you might just be on life-support anyway.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fairly sure I saw it written that there'd be an 11/14 split, but maybe you're right in sensing they will go with an extra pitcher to be safe; the giambi situation does make the bench player awkward. since G shouldn't be starting or playing defense late in the game, and because he's as lilkely to draw a walk as anything, you almost do need, as you say, a personal PR for him--maybe Matusi late in the game as well. a ridiculous concession to a bad legacy of this organization, but maybe it forces Joe to use speed in a creative way? anyway, I'm wondering now, though, if this is all moot because Torre is gonna start Giambi at first, hold Minek as the defensive replacement? has that been noted one way or another in the press yet?

I believe Sardhina played 3rd for half os Sunday's game--a game that was carnivelesque in all sorts of ways anyway. But maybe that means he's officially a Clay Bellinger type factotum?

12:53 PM  

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