A Tale of Two Aarons
In any event, it's nice to extract a win from Mussina against Texas. He never seems to pitch all that well against them.
Oh and by the way--tied in the loss column for the lead in the wild card that just had to come from the Central.
Jeez, I was unaware that Bubba was on such thin ice. what I regret is that they never started him for a couple of weeks straight to establish how he would hit under those circumstances. With all of the sentiment about how well letting Bernie hang on has worked, I am not certain that Bubba couldn't have hit in the 270's as well, without being a double play machine, while providing speed on the bases and good defense. I think you are correct that Guiel has "passed" bubba on the depth chart despite a small performance sample, largely on the strength of his ability to hit the righties that Williams can't. Torre has already talked about Bernie returning yet again next year, which probably signals the end for
Bubba in NY. There is one caveat however. Bubba, and Bubba alone can fill in for Johnny Delicate in center, particularly in the larger ballparks that bernie can't cover. And if we are looking at a situation where Hideki and
Sheff are back, Torre doesn't really need Gueil's bat and wouldn't use it. So maybe bubba survives to play another day. Gueil may accompany Chacon out the door.
I read a newspaper report that indicated a sexual harrasment charge sent HR packing. HR has cllaimed misunderstanding and remains hopeful he can resume his role on the program. without him the show is unwatchable. Kruk is all attitude and Ravech all shtick. Phillips bears daily witness to why he was such an awful GM: he knows less about people than about baseball, which is saying something.
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