F*&! Joe Torre

Since Joe Torre breaks our hearts, this blog will break his balls. Every day of the season I will detail the errors, misjudgements, and omissions that make him the most overrated manger in the history of the game (even more than Tommy Lasorda!). But Joe Torre is not just one bum in hero's clothing (i.e. the pinstripes); he is the quintessential counterfeit of excellence, a figure who embodies the triumph of the ersatz that pervades every aspect of our culture. No organization in sport, nay in civilization generally, has manifested a committment to continuing greatness like the New York Yankees, a beacon to all, in every field of endeavor, that the best is always possible. How intolerable is it then that the Yankees should be managed by a mediocrity on stilts, a figure with a reputation for greatness without any of the attributes thereof. Beginning with Torre and ending with Torre, this blog will look to smash idols we create out of inadvertence, ignorance, and complacency.

Monday, October 08, 2007


to testify to this, but she will. Last night, between bites of the most delicious veal, I was screaming at the Yankee hitters through the first four innings: "Why do you idiots keep trying to pull this guys sinker; you can't fucking pull a sinker! Then Kevin Long, Yankees hitting coach was interviewed in the fourth and he indicated his belief that the Yankke hitters looked good despite the meager results and I'm screaming, what are you talking about, their approach is exactly wrong! Come the fifth inning, with each hit, Matsui, Cano, Cabreara, I'd say to Joanne, which way did that hit go, to which she'd respond, with the patient good humor for which she is known, "the other way."

Come this morning, I find out on the internet that the Yankees are congratulating themselves for changing their approach in the fifth. Congratulating themselves! Excuse me, isn't hitting the sinkerball where it is pitched Spalding Guide baseball 101? And if I know that as a fucking literature professor, and know it well enough to proclaim it in real time, why the hell doesn't Kevin Long know it, or Joe Torre, for that matter, who was a helluva batsman in his day?

People make alot of Steinbrenner insisting on victories out of his managerial staff, but I wonder if he isn't simply insisting on, and not getting, competence. As a native of Cleveland, he undoubtedly knew the midges were a temporary phenomenon and that Torre should have asked for a delay or, failing to receive one, created a delay through argumentation. And if I know you don't pull the sinker, I bet George, in his more lucid moments, does as well. George is undoubtedly eager to fire Torre, as they say, but not because Torre is "too popular," rather because he is unjustifiably popular, and because most people know baseball too little to grasp that (and the players themselves don't want to grasp it), George has to wait like some ghoul for the truly unacceptable outcome to make his move.

For me, its a win-win, either the Yankees triumph, my ultimate baseball desire, or Torre gets the ax, a close second.

Last thing--Jeter is looking like the new AROD. After a dreadful first couple of games, he makes that horrible throw which cost the Yankees a run (how was that not an error) and then hits into two consecutive rally killing double plays, befiore striking out klater in the game. ARODIAN indeed!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, I shared your frustration through the first four innings. Thankfully, the hitters figured it out before it was too late.

Great job by Philip Hughes. Had the Indians lengthened the lead, I don't know if the Yankees would be playing today.

Side note: a GREAT article in SI about Joba. I liked the kid before; now I'm ready to have him marry my daughter.


2:14 PM  
Blogger Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez said...

Man, I share your anger. Hopefully Steinbrenner will really kick out Torre (enough is enough!) and hopefully Rodríguez will go back to Texas or Seattle to screw their post-seasons...

11:18 PM  

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