F*&! Joe Torre

Since Joe Torre breaks our hearts, this blog will break his balls. Every day of the season I will detail the errors, misjudgements, and omissions that make him the most overrated manger in the history of the game (even more than Tommy Lasorda!). But Joe Torre is not just one bum in hero's clothing (i.e. the pinstripes); he is the quintessential counterfeit of excellence, a figure who embodies the triumph of the ersatz that pervades every aspect of our culture. No organization in sport, nay in civilization generally, has manifested a committment to continuing greatness like the New York Yankees, a beacon to all, in every field of endeavor, that the best is always possible. How intolerable is it then that the Yankees should be managed by a mediocrity on stilts, a figure with a reputation for greatness without any of the attributes thereof. Beginning with Torre and ending with Torre, this blog will look to smash idols we create out of inadvertence, ignorance, and complacency.

Friday, June 16, 2006


You don't expect to get blown out 8-4 with Moose on the mound. But that is just the kind os loss there's no point grieving over. It'a long season and sometimes you are going to be out of games from the start. I makes tonight's late-inning come from behind win all the more heartening.

I have to admit that even allowing for the ebb and flow of the season to date, Bernie is making a liar out of me. Don't get me wrong, with his spaghetti arm and leaden legs, he should not be allowed anywhere near the outfield, but the Yanks could do worse, at least against lefties. The question at this point is whether defense is more essential at 1B or in RF. If the former, play Phillips; if th a perfect chance to help the team with a ope latter, play Crosby. With Williams hiitting in the 230's against righties and Philllips considerably worse agaisnt lefties a crossposition platoon would seem to be in order with the Giambi the dependent variable (playing eitgher 1B or DH) and Crosby the constant in right.

In an instance of perfect negative symmetry, AROD hit a meaningless HR--oh, I'm sorry, another meaningless HR yesterday and tonightcame up with a productive out or to be a hero with a knock (7th inning, runners on 2nd and 3rd, one out, Yanks down 2) and what did he do, safely ensconced in D.C., away from all those nasty N.Y. fans and their overblown expectations: he struck out looking, a form of choking he's been perfecting of late (see Still Counting). Just another weapon in his arsenal of defeat.


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